Transition Pants Winery

Jean Lee has been ordering her beautiful 'Transition Pants Winery' labels from us for several years. Taking advantage of our 'Submit Your Own Design' option, Jean tells this story about how the name 'Transition Pants' came about.

Transition Pants Wine LabelWhen attending a "dress-up" event (wedding, funeral, concert, etc.) that is far enough away from our home that it requires a lengthy drive, I usually wear comfortable pants in lieu of good pants or skirt.  Then I change prior to arrival at the event.  My family has taken to calling the comfortable pants I wear in such a situation, my "transition pants."  In fact, when they planned my surprise 60th birthday party, they asked the guests to arrive in "transition pants."  When I started making wine, I wanted a fun, light-hearted name and design for the bottle labels. During the process of brainstorming ideas for the label, my daughter talked with  her very good friend who is a graphic artist and had agreed to design the labels.  Without hesitation, and knowing our family well, she said that, of course, the label had to say "Transition Pants Winery."  We all loved the idea , and it stuck.  She designed the label with that name in mind, and the result is what you have.

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